Harmony Commercial & Business Centre

The business and administrastion centre for Harmony Alternative Education Ltd.
Rev: 2.0 (23/04/2024)

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About Us

Harmony CBC is the commercial business centre of Harmony Alternative Education Ltd.(Harmony A E Ltd).

The Commercial Business Centre, referred to as the Admin Centre, is located near Lyneham, Wiltshire and is about 55 miles away from the Education Centre located in Cookham near Maidenhead, Berkshire.

The main functions that the Admin Centre perform are described below.

Staff Services
Staff Services include, time sheet submission, Education Centre attendance logging and I.T. service help and requests. Some other business services can be accessed by staff with Admin credentials.
Central Secure Data Storage
All business data (not including pupil data except basic details) is stored on secure servers and in databases located at the Admin Centre ready for retrieval by staff on a need to know basis. Access rights are exclusively granted by the senior management team.
Accounts and Business Management
All financial affairs and business administration takes place at the Admin Centre including wages, invoicing, client Service Level Agreements, I.T. licencing, Internet Access and Internet safety managment utilising Smoothwall hardware and cloud survielance systems,

I. T. Services

All I.T. systems and services are supplied and managed by the Admin Centre I.T. department. Harmony's I.T. systems are exclusively managed internally to further support data security and rapid response to the I.T. needs of the pupils and staff.


If you need anything admin from Harmony...

The Commercial and Business Centre is here for you. Use our Contact page to find the best way to get intouch for your specific needs.

Website Admin

(R) 2014-2024 Harmony A E Ltd
Telephone us:

+44 (0) 1628 788314

Option 1 Admin
Option 2 Primary
Option3 Secondary